angular gyrus in a sentence
- Then an area called the visual association area, or angular gyrus, takes over.
- SMG links sounds to words with the angular gyrus and aids in word choice.
- The angular gyrus is involved in higher processing of colors.
- It corresponds to the angular gyrus surrounding the caudal tip of the superior temporal sulcus.
- This is mediated through the angular gyrus, which provides the linguistic rules which guide writing.
- The Shaywitzes noted that the angular gyrus was long suspected to be required for reading.
- The researchers point to a processing center in the brain known as the angular gyrus.
- "Reduced Cerebral Blood Flow in Angular Gyrus ".
- Lexical agraphia is associated with damage to the left angular gyrus and / or posterior temporal cortex.
- A couple of studies found reduced cerebral blood flow in angular gyrus of murderers and impulsive, violent criminals.
- It's difficult to see angular gyrus in a sentence .
- The inferior parietal lobule is further subdivided into the supramarginal gyrus, the temporoparietal junction, and the angular gyrus.
- The temporal lobe, which includes the angular gyrus structure, is associated with perception of sound, touch, memory and speech.
- Blanke suspects that the right angular gyrus integrates signals from the visual system, as well as information on touch and balance.
- These regions are associated with integrating abstract representations, and the angular gyrus in particular is involved with abstract representations of the self.
- Gerstmann's syndrome is caused by a lesion of the dominant ( usually the left ) parietal lobe, usually an angular gyrus lesion.
- It was supported that phonology activated the pIFG and anterior angular gyrus, multiplication mainly implicated the anterior inferior frontal gyrus and the posterior angular gyrus.
- The predetermined language-calculation network was limited to the left inferior frontal gyrus, angular gyrus, superior parietal lobule, and the horizontal portion of the intraparietal sulcus.
- It was supported that phonology activated the pIFG and anterior angular gyrus, multiplication mainly implicated the anterior inferior frontal gyrus and the posterior angular gyrus.
- In 2003 Ramachandran and Edward Hubbard published a paper in which they speculated that the angular gyrus is at least partially responsible for understanding metaphors.
- The fibers relay shape information from the fusiform gyrus to the angular gyrus in order to produce the association of colors and shapes in grapheme-color synesthesia.
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How can I put and write and define angular gyrus in a sentence and how is the word angular gyrus used in a sentence and examples? angular gyrus造句, angular gyrus造句, 用angular gyrus造句, angular gyrus meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by